Who are they? Why do they not drop back? We observed a group of three from distance while moving up the mountain trail. Usually, we leave others behind us quickly, but not those three. Anyway, not much time to wonder, as two lakes need to be sampled today. Passing the first lake and arriving at the second, we settled to sample, organizing the tubes and equipment and getting ready. Funny installations on the other side of our point of arrival, what happens there?
A hooded person there, walking along the shoreline. The Three arrived. Who are they? They first went to the refuge, but then the hooded person and the Three converged towards us. Great, someone interested in our work. The hooded person became Jean-Marc from OBIOS and the Three agents of the National Parc (no wonder, we could not outwalk them!). A meeting at high altitude! Discussions on the amphibians of the lake, fish introductions, and general aspects of human impact on mountain lakes followed. A very interesting exchange. The main questions of the day: Are amphibians to recover from chytridiomycosis in that lake? What will the recently started fish introductions do to that recovery? Together with OBIOS, we may deliver the answers soon.