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P³ seminar in Nanjing


During August 18-23, Dr. Gael Le Roux was invited to visit Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NIGLAS) by Kunshan Bao. Dr. Gael Le Roux attended the international society of limnology XXXIV congress (SIL2018) and the interim project P³ seminar between Chinese and French partners in NIGLAS.

On August 20, Dr. Gael Le Roux gave a talk about trace metal legacy on mountains aquatic ecogeochemistry (TRAM) in the SIL2018. In this conference, Drs. Kunshan Bao and Anna-Marie Klamt co-chaired a session titled “Paleolimnology and long-term changes in aquatic ecosystems” on August 21. Drs. Lydia Mackenzie and Kunshan Bao reported their recent work related to P³ project, with titles of “200 years of anthropogenic and climate-driven environmental change in the Songnen Plain, NE China: pollen, human occupation and land use” and “Anthropogenic environmental pollution history derived from peatlands geochemical records in northeast China”.

In the morning of August 22, Dr. Gael Le Roux visited the State Key Laboratory of Lake Science and Environment. He looked over the Atomic Emission Spectroscopy with Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP-AES Prodigy 7, Teledune Leeman Labs, USA) and the Quadrupole Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (Q-ICP-MS 7700x, Agilent Technologies, USA) in the geochemistry lab. He also talked with the technician in the chronology lab where two sets of the gamma spectrometry with well-type coaxial low background intrinsic germanium detectors (Ortec HP Ge GWL series, Oak Ridge, TN, USA) are running for 210Pb and 137Cs dating. These experimental instruments guarantee the historical reconstruction of people and pollution during the last 150 years in the focal mountain ranges, which is important task of the project P3.

In the afternoon of August 22, we hold a conference as an interim project P3 seminar in NIGLAS. Firstly, three academic reports were invited for the more than 20 audiences who are from Germany, France, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia and China. Dr. Gael Le Roux introduced a paradigm change about mercury and vegetation relations in P3 lakes and stressed their altitudinal variation along the Pyrenees Mountain. After the invited talks, Dr. Kunshan Bao also introduced the two times’ field works in August-September of 2017 and June-July of 2018, respectively. In addition, the sample collections, preparations and sediment parameters analyses (bulk density, carbon/nitrogen, 210Pb and 137Cs and pollen) in the Great Hinggan Mountain were also summarized in general and reported on the seminar. Dr. Lydia Mackenzie discussed with Dr. Gael Le Roux about the 210Pb and 137Cs data of the six lakes cores from Great Hinggan Mountain, which is important to establish an accurate age-depth model. The other audiences gave out many useful comments and suggestions on the progress obtained currently of both partners from France and China. Finally, we expressed our thanks to all the audiences and ended this interim meeting with warm applause. What an important meeting for the rest of P3 work!

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